Oil Price Alert -for FYI, critque & distribution -edited & revised under title: Dec 9th, 2021 '"The Big Reveal" of the New Fire
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Oil-Prices-Collapse-To-69-On-New-COVID-Fears.html Short term oil prices are always volatile. Still, nuclear and fossil-fueled generation of electricity have recently produced a stream of stranded assets due mainly to cost competition of renewables. Europe and the US are already closing coal plants. The pandemic is just one cause; drilling, pipeline and nuclear accidents are contributors as well as production manipulations by major energy nations. Industries and consumers as well as poor nations are negatively impacted. Big media tend to put a spin on events favourable to their big energy advertisers, while providing no news coverage of promising pollution-free and radiation-free alternatives being readied for market by Aurion Energy, Brilliant Light & Powe r and Leonardo Corporation . E-Cat Electricity Productionn is now Certified. https://www.dw.com/en/world-nuclear-industry-status-report-climate-renewabes/a-59338202 Germany is ...