LENR Claimed to Work --Future cities about to blossom

Note:  An earlier version of this post appeared on  E-CatWorld* forum. .
   Quote at a demo of an operating E-cat in a factory setting: http://www.ecatskdemo.com/
 "Learn how your company can benefit from the clean, cost-efficient heat produced by this revolutionary industrial heating system." Initially , Leonardo Corporation is looking for large industrial customers, such as district heating and cement plants.  

  Continued use of fossil fuels and radioactive nuclear plants are the biggest risks to human health and safety. Yet, those invested in fossil fuels and nuclear have trouble acknowledging real hazards involved with polluted air and water and inevitable ageing nuclear reactor failure. In any case, to minimize disasters, nations have to forget further hot fission/fusion research, and get serious about deploying cheap, non-polluting and radiation-free energy.

  With ever-escalating electricity costs, change agents have to push hard for affordable new energy systems. On-site generation of electricity and heat, called LENR, suitable for agriculture, industry, residential complexes and unlimited-range vehicles is now being engineered for Farms and Future Cities*.

  "On-site Ecat power, offers energy independence, and avoids the huge losses from distribution power line grids. In the near future the E-cat can provide desalination, and very importantly, the heating and cooling/electricity for greenhouse crops and dwellings.”
 “LENR Cities are Ultra Designed Environments, totally self-sustainable with agriculture and independent energy supply …incorporating state of the art infrastructure and ideal ways of building homes and communities…”


  LENR cities will likely blossom first in oil-rich desert nations, followed by progressive Asia, Australia and Scandinavia. Hot and arid Arizona/New Mexico will likely be among early movers, with hurricane-prone Caribbean nations gradually rebuilding their energy infrastructure with distributed LENR reactors and micro-grids. In much of Europe and the rest of North America we'll see a growing number of LENR powered factories and subdivisions plus early LENR retro-fits of coal, gas-fired and nuclear generating plants -and even Davos alpine resorts warmed by the New Fire. 

  Germany, having committed to nuclear phaseout by 2022, and to coal shutdown a decade later, prompts early adoption of LENR in the rest of the EU. Back in 2013, Germany's federal networks regulator, warned the accelerated shift from nuclear to renewables stressed the grid system. A costly rescue plan included a new feed line of Direct Current from North Sea wind turbines. Recent advances in LENR on-site power may have short-circuited this overly complex and expensive electricity transmission solution.   

 Legacy infrastructures of fossil fuels and nuclear are costly and destructive; LENR, by comparison, is affordable and benign. What the world now needs is the distribution of pollution free and radiation free energy.  Yet, the UN's nuclear watch-dog (IAEA) tolerates nuclear electricity, even though the uranium process tempts rogue nations to arm nuclear missiles.

 Still, there is hope; “... governments need to move faster and with greater urgency. We’re feeding this fire while the means to extinguish it are within reach,” said the UN's Environment Programme’s Deputy Executive Director, Joyce Msuya, a Tanzanian microbiologist.  Suggested actions include further developing renewable energy, energy-efficient appliances and cars, reversing deforestation and coal phaseout.

  Yet the nuclear industry and it's regulator persists with the claim that nuclear has the cleanest and safest track record of all power sources, and the UN's Ms Msuya does not mention the obvious replacement for coal and nuclear. Still, the outcry, " LENR is not viable without an acceptable theory," now shifts to "I always supported the idea."

 Given arrival of affordable LENR, the UN might showcase a few LENR electrified communities in the poorest African nations. Early and wide implementation of LENR helps arrest rising temperatures, rising coastal waters, air pollution, hunger, over-population -and in turn diminishes the threat of nuclear accident and/or war.  

  Yet, many in the world still celebrate New Years by dancing on Titanic's tilting deck. 

And, children cry, "I'm hungry Mamma."  "How high is the water, Papa?"

  Sober seasonal wishes to all, and to all a good hike!  


PS # 1   2014 open letter to IAEA and UN     http://londont.blogspot.com/2014/12/
PS # 2   Nuke disarmament  https://thebulletin.org/2018/09/facing-the-central-questions-of-nuclear-disarmament/
 "...the only safe way to banish nuclear weapons is to first banish war. How can nations establish a world where none view armed conflict as a viable means to resolving disputes?"

PS # 3  LENR Powered Vehicles  -potential solution to battery recharge problem
  Our Condensed Matter Hydrogen Fuel Cells act as an on-board generator recharging the electric car batteries when needed. At early stage, we are expecting to produce 1 to 2 kW of electricity with our LENR generators and charge the batteries even when electric car is parked.. The LENR generators only runs  when car batteries are below 80% of charge -allowing daily trip of over 2'000 km if needed.

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  1. For the record, the UN has never advocated for nuclear power. That's not how the UN works, despite the wishes of many of big countries that produce nuclear reactors (Russia, France, the US). If a country chooses to embark on nuclear power program, then the IAEA (which is not the UN) can be invited to help set up the program, with siting and safety best practices, visits by expert working groups, etc. But the value of this in-kind assistance is at most a tiny fraction of one percent of what it costs to design, build and launch even a single reactor. The sad fact is that the UN and its affiliated advisory bodies are pretty much toothless all the way around in all energy questions, and that comes from the deliberate design (of the governments of the world).

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