
Showing posts from January, 2020

LENR Self Sustain Mode -Verification & Demo Event

     All is quiet on the Stockholm  front pending release of summer's Independent LENR Test and Demonstration event. Good by coal, other fossil fuels and fission nuclear; their withdrawal are causing r everberations  in energy markets. Industrialized nations will crowd LENR line-ups in order to meet Paris Co2 commitments -and to keep their economies competitive.   Permanent SSM (Self Sustain Mode) is the critical operational change that suddenly simplifies verification; with SSM there is no out-side electricity input to start up or sustain a running LENR reactor.      Stocks of champagne and roast crow run low. Grumbling skeptics have gone silent.     It’s not just climate deniers in national capitals who would now deny transition to the cheapest cleanest energy available as vintage physicists try to convince politicians there is no alternative to 1970’s radioactive energy.   The World Nuclear Status Report sums ...

Obfuscation in LENR's Last Mile

    https://www. 01/08/opinion /nuclear-power- germany.html     Here are some short extracts from a recent   blog post   applicable to the  New York Times energy op ed.   As weeds among rocks, predjuices are tenacious. Leverage the best of existing with the emerging. Public action & consensus make a difference. Learn by recalling the fate of Nicola Tesla. Lemmings and their leaders are all losers. Seek safe, low-cost and no-cost options. Solution applied too late is no solution. Do it now, not soon, not tomorrow.    Having the largest and oldest operating nuclear complex in the world, it is time Canada followed the example of Austria, Australia, New Zeland, Germany, Italy, Japan and Switzerland and shedule closure of aged nuclear reactors -or follow France in issuing iodine pills to millions put at risk of thyroid cancer. E ducating voters on the urgency  of iodine pills, sets of...