Obfuscation in LENR's Last Mile


 Here are some short extracts from a recent blog post 
applicable to the New York Times energy op ed. 

As weeds among rocks, predjuices are tenacious.

Leverage the best of existing with the emerging.

Public action & consensus make a difference.
Learn by recalling the fate of Nicola Tesla.
Lemmings and their leaders are all losers.
Seek safe, low-cost and no-cost options.
Solution applied too late is no solution.
Do it now, not soon, not tomorrow.

  Having the largest and oldest operating nuclear complex in the world, it is time Canada followed the example of Austria, Australia, New Zeland, Germany, Italy, Japan and Switzerland and shedule closure of aged nuclear reactors -or follow France in issuing iodine pills to millions put at risk of thyroid cancer.

Educating voters on the urgency of iodine pills, sets off the

alarm making nuclear closure more palatable to heavily 

lobbied Canuk politicians.     

  Let's tune in to see if this spring's independent verification attempt of the ultra-clean E-Cat SKL is newsworthy outside of Sweden.


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