Local Electricity Distributors Become Generators?
Nine years ago the UN and the World Bank planned to mobilize financing for Sustainable Energy for All. While consumers in the broad Great Lakes region squirm over the prospect of a porous limestone depository for nuclear waste along the shore of Lake Huron, some recent readinga prompted the above caption. The story picks up steam in the European Union. Indeed, Germany will likely be the initial market for the 24/7 products of Leonardo Corporation and AuerionEnergy.ca. Of course, solar/wind systems also provide localized clean energy generation, distribution and ownership. All this transpires while big food processors and manufacturers move south because of Ontario's poor competitive environment, e.g, Heinz and Volvo. The survivors are now reeling in the face of the 30% rate increase on nuclear generated electricity requested by Ontario Power Generation. Meanwhile, state-side, nuclear plants are shutting down and coal-fired plants are being converted to shale gas. And, big r...