ALERT -Doomsday Clock now at 11:59.5

As long as the United Nation's nonproliferation treaty deals only with weapons, and the UN tolerates proliferation of uranium fueled energy plants, rogue nations will entertain clandestine efforts to enter the nuclear club; especially with Russian action to use nuclear missiles against a neighbour and North Korea threatens to annihilate South Korea, while Western nations jointly declare "nuclear energy"green" -and the only way forward./b>
The Director General of World Nuclear Association stated: “The European Parliament’s positive vote sends a clear endorsement of nuclear energy. It listened to the science and recognised that investment in nuclear energy will help the EU reach net-zero by 2050." International parliments ignore the fact that over 400 risky nuclear plants are operating well beyond their designed lifetimes. And they ignore the devastatiion wrought at Chernobyl, Fukushima, Kyshtym, Three Mile Island, Windscale plus Bikini Atoll, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Indeed politicians know the current risks -and are complicit.
Early and wide implementation of LENR helps arrest melting glaciers, rising coastal waters, air pollution, hunger, over-population -and in turn diminishes the threat of nuclear accident and/or war. Upon commercialization of LENR, the UN might showcase a few electrified communities in the poorest African nations.
With multi-thumbs now on the red button, global warming fast fades as the major threat to the environment -and to humanity.
If you think you have time, consult your pharmicist regarding Potassium Iodide --and write your elected provincial and federal representatives; else, at this late stage, voter silence is complicity.
Potassium iodide (KI) is a type of iodine that is not radioactive and can be used to help block one type of radioactive material, radioactive iodine (I-131), from being absorbed by the thyroid. Always consult your Doctor and Pharmicist.
Update #1
Media, Pharma, and Universities are slow to spread information about the treatment for radiation ingestion, yet we Southern Ontarians blissfully sleep down wind of one of the largest and oldest nuclear complexes. Strangely, many industry associations, NGOs and other institutions shun the issue.
Update # 2
Canada, with all of its natural resources, is not on a list of nations leading in non nuclear energy production.
Since there is an inexhaustible source of hydrogen in the oceans, it is a candidate for future fuel. Howeve, big obstacles are the high cost of electricity in separating hydrogen from oxygen plus expensive distribution and storage. Regardless, Canada and Germany see expensive puified hydrogen as the next fuel; vindicated Only if ultra cheap LENR proves unscalable.
Meanwhile, our governments, in response to nuclear industry pressure, raise taxes to refurbish aged nuclear reactors while funding development of modular fission (radioactive) reactors. <\b>
Yet, another cedible voice -Bob Greenyer:'ll-drop-the#details
Scan about three quqrter way down to learn about natural means of quick treatment of radiation, should local supplies of Potassium Iodide be depleted.


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