Revival of Nicola Tesla's Lost Inventions 

  For lifetime learners, here is a video on Nicola Tesla, the unheralded inventor of Alternate Current Electricity, the electric motor, the radio and much, much more. 
 Future chapters will be devoted to his futuristic designs on such innovations as a 1931 replacement of the gasoline engine plus a current replication of Tesla's Tower:  
 "Nikola Tesla in 1932 converted a Pierce Arrow car from combustion to electric. With the car prepped to run electrically, Tesla, and with items off a hardware shelf, built a unit in his hotel room the night before the test that reportedly captured power from the aether and converted it to electricity. The gizmo sat next to Tesla on the passenger seat of the car. He inserted two rods into the unit and declared, "Now we have power". After running the car on this mysterious power for four hundred miles he said he could continue until the car wore out. In other words, the power derived from the aether was limitless, and free. There is some conjecture that the power didn't come from the aether but instead from one of Tesla's magnifying transmitters delivering wireless power.  Update: the car has been found but no aether generator."

  China's Mega Grid
 "The transmission line will be capable of delivering the output of 12 large power plants over nearly 2,000 miles, sending 50% more electricity 600 miles further than anything that’s ever been built. (Higher-voltage lines carry electricity over longer distances with lower transmission losses.)
 " China pursues a far more ambitious goal: to stitch together the electricity systems of neighboring nations into transcontinental “supergrids” capable of swapping energy across borders and oceans.These massive networks could help slash climate emissions by enabling fluctuating renewable sources like wind and solar to generate a far larger share of the electricity used by these countries. The longer, higher-capacity lines make it possible to balance out the dimming sun in one time zone with, say, wind, hydroelectric, or geothermal energy several zones away."

 "Viziv Technologies of Texas has developed a system of patent-pending processes to efficiently launch the Zenneck surface wave -an electromagnetic wave that uses the surface of the earth as a waveguide enabling it to carry communications signals or electrical power efficiently over long distances.
 This wireless power system employs a “transmitter probe,” located near a power generation plant, to launch a Zenneck carrier wave. Receiver antennae will be positioned appropriately around the world to receive the signal and download the power into a local grid."

Wikipedia:  The Sommerfeld–Zenneck wave or Zenneck wave is a non-radiative guided electromagnetic wave that is supported by a planar or spherical interface between two homogeneous media having different dielectric constants. This surface wave propagates parallel to the interface and decays exponentially vertical to it, a property known as evanescence. It exists under the condition that the permittivity of one of the materials forming the interface is negative, while the other one is positive, as for example the interface between air and a lossy conducting medium such as the terrestrial transmission line, below the plasma frequency. Arising from original analysis by Arnold Sommerfeld and Jonathan Zenneck of the problem of wave propagation over a lossy earth, it exists as an exact solution to Maxwell's equations.[14] 

For video of Viziv.s Milford, Texas tower, see, 

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  Many initially debunked breakthroughs are realized in the inventor's lifetime, but Tesla's Tower took over a century to be replicated.
  Connecting the dots: Battery-less electric autos (of limitless range) could soon tap into electric grids powered by LENR plants and Zenneck-type Surface Waves.

 Tesla spoke eight languages: Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, and Latin.  He died penniless in 1943 in New York City..

 Seek and share widely.  Bob Greenyer




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