Disputation on the Power & Efficacy of Nuclesr Energy vs LENR
Disputation on the Power & Efficacy of Nuclear Energy vs LENR https://neuenergy.blogspot.com/2018/11/ len r- claimed-to-work.html A half century ago, this tract would have been printed by an early version of the Gutenberg press and read to congregations on a Sunday morning. Today's author makes it instantaneously available to a few alert readers around the world on screens in their own homes and in their own language. Virtual nailing of the piece on a few pious doors across Europe may be more news worthy than New Year’s marches. With the glut of advertisements, entertainment and opinion in modern media, we have to ask, "to what effect are both factual and hyped news?" Actually, big media being engaged in both, are all-powerful in influencing consumer decisions and in policy making. They are the gatekeepers of what technology and energy news gets included in daily press and screened n...