Nearly 4 Centuries to Transform the Energy System??

  Aside from hydro, solar and wind, most legacy power plants have limited extractive fuel supplies. And, nuclear plants are hugely expensive to build and maintain, are uranium based, have massive cooling requirements and generate piles of radioactive waste. Cheap LENR will scale-up faster than fission did in the 1970s. Germany, the only industrial nation to abandon nuclear is phasing out coal, and now relies on renewables for one-third of its energy. 

  Conspiracy theories, uncensored false news (four centuries?) and the secrecy of the industrial/military cabal aside, it should take LENR less than three decades to (a) corral the increase in Co2 emissions and (b) lower the risks of nuclear reactors through phase-out. What will take 4,000 years is reduction in radioactivity of ever-accumulating piles of nucleae waste.

 The “LENR” solution, currently being engineered, is always missing from energy projections of IEA, big oil and big advertizers. Why so? Likely it's a fear of disruption to advertisers in the automobile, coal, oil, nuclear and investment sectors; such omission is a self-preservation strategy. So far, entrenched interests out-weigh evidence of increasing LENR industrial advances.   

 Quote from the above MIT article:
 " ...transforming the energy system would take, not the next three decades, but nearly the next four centuries. In the meantime, temperatures would soar, melting ice caps, sinking cities, and unleashing devastating heat waves..."

  Market forces can manage the introduction of LENR without the intervention of big government.  What's neglected in North America: Government and university facilitation of basic LENR research, plus lessons to be learned from on-going Fukushima impact on the Pacific Ocean. 

 The Canadian Parliament has its head in the tar sands, while USA leadership looks to resuscitation of coal, nuclear and oil to again make America great. So far, both governments ignore an emerging LENR technology about to lead the way to affordable, non-polluting and radioactive-free energy. 

 Meanwhile China appears ready to pivot from coal and fission to LENR as it slows fission reactor builds on grounds of high costs and general public concern about safety.
 "China’s disenchantment with nuclear power corresponds with an overall decline in nuclear generation elsewhere in the world."
 Meanwhile, Dubai builds radical new cities.
A possible scenario: As temperatures rise and desertification encroaches on the US South West and Southern Ontario, the Dubai building template (combined with LENR) could make extreme outside temperatures livable -whether overheated or sub-zero.

PS 1
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