Green Deal Does Not Identify LENR Remedy

  It is encouraging to see an early US presidential election platform for resolving Co2 and related coal and nuclear issues. The proponents state, "It’s unclear if we will be able to decommission every nuclear plant within 10 years, but the plan is to transition off of nuclear and fossil fuels as soon as possible." 

    As identified by MIT, the takeaways from the above linked article are:   
 1. Clean, not renewable
 2. No new nukes
 3. Natural carbon removal
 4. Possibly impossible

   After the January 31st 2019 announcement of E-Cat marketing, a concern with  item 4 is possible side-tracking of LENR-type industrial heating.  Possibly Impossible could be code for the remedy with the fastest and greatest impacts on reducing Co2 emissions -and phasing-out well-known radioactive risks; see Fukushima poisioning of the Pacific Ocean.

 Since the 1940s, our fragile planet has taken terrible atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial nuclear poundings; e.g. atoll testing, Nagasaki/Hiroshima bombs and multiple nuclear power plant accidents.  

 Yet, some physicists and other apologists in academia and big media, try to assure voters and elected representatives that nuclear power has the cleanest and safest track record. The legacy of such unrelenting human folly is risky today and unhealthy for future generations; look no further than the on-going Pacific Ocean sterilization, the grinding tectonic plates under nuclear power complexes, plus the troublesome Hanford plutonium waste site, also near the Pacific Ring of Fire.

 The big shock is Leonardo's claim that deliveries of the first heating systems to Japan, Sweden and the USA will happen quickly. Technology Review`s hesitancy on impacts may be fear of sudden economic disruption due to accelerated retrofit of both polluting and radioactive power plants. Still, institutions and  industries having interests in hot fusion/fission are reluctant to acknowledge the cost savings, overall efficacy and safety of the non-radioactive LENR fix. 

 With E-Cat SK deliveries to selected Beta clients underway, Asia's pent-up need for clean air will soon drive acceptance of low-cost, Co2 emission-free, and ultra-clean LENR-type power in competing nations around the world. 

 The International Energy Agency estimates that more than 70 percent of new electricity connections will be via mini-grid by 2030. By inference, IEA assumes that within 11 years centralized power plants will gradually have less significance as will the mega energy grid.  But, so far, the IEA's world energy projections have never factored in a LENR component.

 Surprise! With LENR retro-fits of ageing power plants, the USA could soon become the second western nation (after Germany) to phase-out nuclear power, and the first to shut down coal.  Spread the good vibes.


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