Dee Hock on Chordic Organizations

     Dee Hock on Chaordic Organizations: Principles that work for Visa.
      Condensed excerpts from a side bar in a 1996 FastCompany article by Mitchell Waldrop.

  "All organizations are conceptual embodiments of a very basic idea –the idea of community. They are the sum of beliefs of people drawn to them; of their character and efforts. They must be adaptable to changing conditions, while preserving overall cohesion and unity of purpose.  
  Success has more to do with clarity of shared purpose and common principles than to assets or management competence.   

 The governing structure distributes power and function to lowest level possible.  Visa member banks send representatives to a system of national, regional, and international boards, where each board raises common issues, debate them, and reach consensus. 
 Structure must not be a chain of command, but rather a framework for dialogue, deliberation, and resolution. 

  Avoidance of turf fights vs authoritarian micromanagement must be balanced.  Neither competition nor cooperation rises to its highest unless both are seamless. Autonomy, equity and individual opportunity must be cultivated. 
 Given  the right circumstances, from no more than dreams, determination, and the liberty to try, ordinary people accomplish extraordinary things."


 Hock conceived Visa in 1970 as a decentralized organization with a system blending chaos and order, for which he coined the adjective "chaordic." Reaching back for wisdom in the 1996 article was prompted by an Ontario Freeway proposal searching for a civic framework of discussion, debate and resolution. The blog post, a work in progress, makes these statements:

 “Refining strategies and making the Georgian Bay Freeway/New Cities project visible to businesses and residents, and to local, provincial and federal politicians is challenging. 
 Collaborative leadership across the counties, towns and cities is a must, given the extent of disinterest and variety of agendas and egos. A sturdy civic platform has to be crafted for the dialogue to begin." 

  Among other participants, elected representatives of 7 or 8 counties and about 15 cities, plus 2 or 3 farm associations and a fair number of Chambers of Commerce would be involved in the civic task force. 

  Using ideas gleaned from the Fast Company article, and, impacted communities should be able to self-organize a cahordic task force by applying some of the steps outlined in these links:
  Ideally, rural and urban beneficiaries of the project raise common issues, debate them and reach consensus, before top-level provincial deliberation and planning kick in.

 Hock would say, "True leadership is based on educed behavior." 
educe:  A marvelous word seldom used, meaning, to bring or draw forth something already present in undeveloped form.   ~ Dee Hock

 Lead yourself, lead your superiors, lead your peers, employ good people, and free them to do the same. All else is trivia.  ~ Dee Hock

  Hock built Visa as a decentralized system blending chaos and order, for which, he coined the term "chaordic."
 At 71, he cautioned, "It's no failure to fall short of all that we might dream; the failure is to fall short of dreaming all that we might realize ."As gasoline

 Yes, "we" the people... 
 If not we, then who?  Next steps?  If not now, then maybe 2050?

  As gasoline and diesel are replaced by electricity, hydrogen and LENR, orderly expansion of the freeway grid should be underway.  

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