Northern 519 Thruway -part of Expanded Freeway Grid

               For  Learners and Leaders, a time-saving 13-point abstract of a 7-page blog post:

  Having fallen off CN/CP rural rails in the 1960s and losing rural population and municipal revenue, county collaboration on getting a Georgian Bay Freeway is crucial.

                    1.  Promoted is a freeway from the 402 near Strathroy, north towards  Walkerton, and thence east to the 400 south of Barrie.
  2.   Making the Southern Georgian Bay Freeway visible to residents and to local, provincial and federal politicians is a challenge. 
 3.   Assessment of chaotic impacts of GTA congestion and rural disconnects has to be made part of long-range freeway planning. 

4.  Rural and urban beneficiaries of the freeway should raise issues, debate and reach consensus before top level deliberation kicks in. 

5.  Resisting the impulse to draw alternate routes on a map is wise -leave that to MTO.

6. Unless a significant number of people are propelled to act, rural 
    economic turnaround stalls, and quality of GTA life withers.

7.  Collaborative leadership across counties, towns, and cities is a must given extent of disinterest, turf wars and variety of agendas and egos.

8. Without a template, a sturdy civic framework for dialogue, debate and consensus will have to evolve quickly.

9. Timely discussion and research helps elected in identifying and assessing issues and approaches.

10. With GTA densification and sprawl nearing geographic and livable limits, orderly location of new employment centers is necessary.

11. Regional long-view highlights possible easing of GTA congestion, while permitting accelerated county economic and population growth.

12.  A new freeway linking new employment centers is the way forward.  

13. But, the notion of bullet train sits on a siding pending 22nd Century population density and affordability of levitation and tunneling.


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