All Aboard -for the Health of the Environment & Humanity

        LENR Experimentation is Over, Testing Winds Up as Production Nears   

 Big Media extol the benefits of legacy energy suppliers and the potential of fission research, while neglecting to inform readers of the arrival of affordable, practical and ultra-clean energy. With on-site LENR we are no longer captive energy consumers. Hence, NGOs and small press need not await full verification before heralding LENR's last mile to market.  

 Without taxpayer assistance, Leonardo Corporation and Brilliant Light Power finalize follow through on their respective patents and business models of selling clean heat and electricity. as services.  Underwriters Lab certification of clean generation of energy plus robotic manufacture, are keys to world-wide reduction in Co2 emissions and elimination of radiation accidents. Clean means no polluting emissions and no radiation.

  The failure of big press to report the hard-fought advances of non-governmental experimenters is a sad story. Lauding billions spent by government consortia (CERN and ITER) with no evidence of over-unity energy is wasted taxes and research resources. Political heads in the tar sands pushing to refurbish over-aged Candu reactors spells trouble for Canadian industries as Asians and Europeans pursue LENR r & d.* brings you a December report from the National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) raising the possibility that huge electric failures, the result of a concerted cyberattack or other event, could knock out electric supply in large swathes of the continent.   

  Reducing dependancy on coal, nuclear and mega grids is long overdue. An oil industry publication* spreads awareness of new electricity technology -a duty abdicated by legacy advertisor-supported Big Media.

  Enlightened consumers might reduce their legacy energy investments, set aside prejudices, be open to new opportunities -and consider being supportive of the conclusion in a recent blog post:  

“For the health of economy and environment, let's try to keep students, graduates, teachers, CEOs, voters and elected, aware of alternate energy progress; hence, a summary of recent LENR advances never reported by mainstream press.”


 Spiegle Magazine of December 12 has a feature article on a UN report highlighting the following:

The pace of climate change is accelerating. Of the 20 hottest years measured since records began, 19 have occurred since 2000. The top five were the last five years.”
“The coming year will again be marked by extreme weather events such as heat waves, excessive rainfall, thawing of permafrost, glacier melting, tropical storms, forest fires and droughts…”
“The UN urges G-20 countries to adopt a series of tough measures: Stop generating power from coal, forget about installing gas pipelines from Russia, abolish the combustion engine, make buildings more energy-efficient more quickly and massively expand public transportation...”
 Nowhere is there mention of stopping fracking or the prospect of LENR reactors being retrofitted to fossil and nuclear fueled energy plants –the solution with the biggest and quickest impact on curtailing CO2 emissions and radiation risks.

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Update # 1  Nov  24,  2019

 "Only a limited number of dedicated researchers and global followers are aware and know that November 23, 2019, could become a great day in the history of science."

 "We should immediately take any opportunity to spread this encouraging news to all people we know as also being concerned about the environment, climate change and the whole future of our civilization. There is no need to wait for the full verification..."



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