Requiem for Internal Combustion

                                          Automotive Re-make

 Robotic manufacturing and 3-D printing now converge with major energy breakthroughs. Automotive and energy suppliers will see more changes in the next 5 years than they absorbed in the last 25; the speed and scope of disruptions are taking, CEOs, elected, graduates and investors by surprise.

 Yes, the internal combustion engine and transmission drive train are already being replaced by battery platforms; these platforms will in turn be adapted to cheap space-saving LENR-type electricity generators; no limited range or chaging stations required. 

 Look how fast Elon Musk, batteries and robotics change the automotive industry:

  And, how fast Ulrich Kranz and Hyundai move on their "skate board" ev platform:

  Latest, but not least, Canadian Montgomery Childs engages investors to help commercialize his experimental SAFIRE plazma reactor.  Regatta crews might enjoy his sailing analogy.

Teenager takeaway: 
 Need to follow tech advances in preparation for choices to be made upon entry to university or the workforce.

  For the health of the economy, the environment and humanity, let's try to keep students, graduates, teachers, CEOs, voters and elected, aware of alternate energy developments. 

  ----------------------------------- Like what you see?----------------------------------

 Platform innovations and LENR-type reactors present opportunities to engineer passenger/utility versions of ski-doos, off-road and water-ski vehicles -and even crawling bulldozers; non-polluting, silent and unlimited-range.  

 Readers at-large, might consider contributinons of "on-topic" links. 



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