E-Cat Certification + Robotic Manufacture = LENR Future -inc'l edits

"The Club of Rome plans a global young leadership program based on Education, Engagement and Action -whilst realizing the learning curve must quickly be leveraged into planet-saving impacts. The doomsday clock (11:59) tolls the limits of oil, nuclear -and greed. Our takeover generation focuses on timely world-wide transition to affordable non-polluting and nonradioacive energy, rather than refurbished nuclear plants and continental EV recharging stations. It's time to face reality. http://www.gec.solutions/projects.html 

If proven effective at scale, LENR provides a cheap, compact, non-polluting and safe power source. Early and wide E-Cat roll out rescues the environment and humanity. Over the next 5 years robotic production of Low Energy Nuclear Reactors changes how electricity, heat and light are generated and how every sector uses electricity. For CEOs, politicians and voters it’s not how LENR works. What matters is certification's impact on climate, health, jobs and transport. At 1 or 2 cents per KWh, E-Cat generated electricity/heat/light is a savour.

What generates 19kW electric power and 1kW heat, without radiation, from a 20 x 20 x 20 cm module, uses miniscule amounts of fuel, doesn't need refueling for more than 6 months, weighs around 5kg -and lets heavy users generate their own electricity?

Radiation-free industrial E-Cat reactors now undergo certification, manufacturer licensing and pre-production refinements. Still, the reactor and its AI controller have yet to pass long-term reliability trials; early issues are minimized by fine-tuning the controller and scheduling replacement of any worn reactor components.

Before long, LENR will power farms, homes, industries, institutions and transport. Manufacture and installation of plasma reactors by Leonardo, Safire and Brilliant Light Power will be cheaper than small radioactive nuclear reactors -and skips high extractive, refining and transportation costs of polluting fossil fuels. Yes, LENR beats fossil fuels, hydrogen and any version of radioactive nuclear on affordability, cleanliness and safety. Given the current development stage of the LENR alternative, a sane world cannot tolerate neither fossil-fueled nor radioactive nuclear plants.

Summoning a subscription-based electric Audi, Prius, Tesla, etc is available in some localities by cell phone. However, the real auto revolution arrives when on-board EV electricity generation delivers unlimited range -and eventually makes internal combustion engines and battery powered vehicles obsolete.

Let's explore that hot cause/cool solution. Just think! Human errors generate 95% of accidents and sickness, resulting in hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths and serious injuries.

Given the longevity, operational savings and safety of electric cars, consumers everywhere have an easy choice; indeed, within three or four years, electrics will account for over half of new vehicle sales.

Perfecting driverless vehicles to maneuver safely on a mix of roads and driving conditions is daunting. Eventually, AVs could favorably impact healthcare and insurance in metropolitan areas by saving millions of lives and billion$ through fewer accidents and lower auto and life insurance premiums. Leaving cars parked 95% of the time is wasteful. With market acceptance of autonomous city fleets, ownership and parking declines. But, across farmlands, cottage country and outer suburbia, drivers will opt for unlimited range LENR-propelled EVs.

As of mid-December 2020, 100 E-cat modules were combined under one industrial sized controller. EVs would need four compact E-Cat electricity units, thus reducing the bulk of worn-out battery packs. Elon Musk's domestic Powerwalls become electricity generators as well as storage devices. We get the voltage wanted by stacking modules in series, or the current needed by arranging them in parallel.

Long-life electric car motors and more one-car (or no-car) families, cause contractions in dealerships and auto insurance firms. Brakes, suspensions and tires still have to be serviced. Robotic E-cat production lines are already designed. SKL reactor's difficulties with powering electric motors are resolved by battery interface. E-Cats win out over recharging stations and traditional motive power. The used car market stalls when recyclers are paid to scrap ICE vehicles.

The pandemic confirms much digitized work will be performed remotely. Many urban couples see an opportunity to work and raise families where they can afford to live. With remote office staff becoming the new norm, rural jurisdictions might offer young digital workers enticements such as moving expenses and high-speed broadband hook-ups. Housing pressure shifts from large employment centers to rural areas and stagnant villages; the latter welcome amenities which a little growth brings. And, with fewer commuters and more electric buses, cities cut back on pollution and and stall freeway expansion. Still, improved inter-city connections and regional freeways must be planned.

Future EV conversion to trickle-charging eliminates the need for overnight recharges and dead battery tows. Looking ahead, with broad acceptance of E-cat propelled vehicles, big media's hyping of investments in continental EV charging stations are for naught.

Early E-cat users will include power-hungry district heating and heavy industry, followed by on-site LENR power for churches, hospitals, retirement complexes, schools and LED street lighting. The SKLed launch prompts CEOs, municipalities and politicians to push the E-Cat itself to the forefront in battle against dire climate change. On April 18th 2021, Leonardo Corporation confirmed that it will soon release a configurable small E-Cat device for electrical power generation. Indeed, the quickest and lowest cost way to ease adverse climate change, while providing nations with growth in electricity, is conversion of domestic/industrial heating and cooling -and using LENR in transportation. Meanwhile, certification permits SKLed lamps for any use -residential, commercial or municipal.

In Europe, markets set trajectory; elsewhere, it's often by dictator decree or by corporate/media/politicial alliances. Here's an example of the latter: PhysicsToday magazine lauds Canadian politicians in their rush to build Modular Radioactive Reactors just as Nordic countriies commit to compact benign LENR energy. https://physicstoday.scitation.org/journal/pto Implied is refurbishment and/or closure of old Candu nuclear plants plus burial of North American nuclear waste in Ontario..

Advantages of E-cat SKL reactors include: Small, mobile, safe, ultra-clean, affordable, scaleable and cheap energy, AC or DC, off-grid, energy independence, long life, low maintenance, modulated output inc'l up/down and instant on/off, no expensive materials, solid-state tech (no moving parts), no pollution, neither ionized nor UV radiation, stand-alone and/or grid feed and soon on-board trickle charging. Safer than tanks of petrol, banks of lithium batteries or transport of explosive hydrogen.

Boilers, cooling towers, steam turbines and mega-grids are not essential to re-powering ageing energy infrastructure, let alone electrification of poor nations. Without subsidies, nuclear, fossil-fueled power plants and lithium battery packs cannot compete with a mix of hydro, solar/wind and far-flung LENR.

  On a local level, chambers of commerce, municipalities, and universities could prepare us for the reality of LENR benefits -and disruptions. MunicipalWorld is the logical publication to run a series of articles educating public administrators on the fast evolving energy transition. Nationally, countries have to either lead or play catch up. Meanwhile, ageing nuclear plants imperil millions in the densely populated triangle of Kincardine, Montreal and New York City. .

MIT Technology Review (2015): /b>https://www.technologyreview.com/s/536886/the-chances-of-another-chernobyl-before-2050-50-say-safety-specialists. And, a European study concluded, even the smallest possible dose, a photon passing through a cell nucleus, carries a cancer risk." Alas, most of the world's nuclear reactors have met (or are about to meet) retirement because of a type of concrete decay called alkali-silica reaction plus neutron embrittlement -cracks that develop on metal surfaces. https://inis.iaea.org/search/search.aspx?orig_q=RN:47070670 and https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7857856 Yet, North America hesitates planning a shift to cheap and safe LENR.

Accountable politicians know local jobs in radioactive plant overhaul should be sacrificed for the safety of a populous international Great Lakes region. Actually, in politics, favouring "vote-getting local jobs" over regional radioactive risks is not that unusual. Everyone, including big media and their big energy advertisers, knows that the world needs pollution-free and radioactive-free energy. Having the largest operating nuclear complex in the world, Canada should join the "nuclear-free" club of Austria, Australia, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Sweden and Switzerland by scheduling closure of its deteriorating nuclear fleet; else, copy France by immediately issuing iodine pills to millions put at risk of thyroid cancer.

Dirty crude, hazardous nuclear and vulnerable mega grids are replaceable by lower-cost solar/wind/LENR -and microgrids. All this together with low natural gas prices prompts nuclear operators in Illinois, Ohio and New York to threaten brown-outs and plant closures unless significant electricity rate increases are forthcoming.

With cheap LENR alternative planned in Asia and Europe, retention of obsolete tech soon cripples North American economies. Hence, an informed public has to push affordable and safe power by sending jarring messages to those tied to last century's hazardous technologies.

As a northern nation, Canada had best exit oil and accident-prone nuclear -and follow Scandinavia in heating and electricity innovations. Neither radioactive power generation nor oil/gas exploration and new pipelines are necessary -especially when an ultra-clean and safe LENR alternative is under pre-production test in Sweden.

Germany is about to show the short-fall in electricity created by closure of coal and nuclear plants is soon bridged by solar/wind/LENR. Problems with renewable intermittency, limited EV range and deployment of recharging stations are solved by capitalizing on the latest E-Cat developments.

How many more nuclear disasters, uncontrollable floods and wildfires await? Caring organizations and action-orientated students can bring LENR awareness to businesses, farms, unions -and voters. For the health of the economy, the environment and humanity, let's keep graduates, teachers and CEOs aware of affordable and safe energy developments.

Earlier posts on this site expand on many of the issues raised here. Consider joining an urgent end-run around captive media and crippled science journals in bringing awareness of the LENR solution to industries, politicians and voters. Without further prompt, scroll down for related energy posts, comment, share on social media -and remind your mayor and member of parliament of the need for humanitarian election planks.

Breaking News October 4, 2020 Follow the money by connecting E-Cat geo dots in Sweden: https://northvolt.com/newsroom "Northvolt announced signing of a $600 million private placement, led by Baillie Gifford, Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Division and Volkswagen AG, enabling the company to make further investments in expanding its battery production and recycling capacity as well as R&D activities..."

Leonardo's HydroFusion licensee has been active in signing up powerful EU partners BMW, Vattenfall and Volkswagen. With industrial E-cat verification, these collaborators set the stage for mass-production and distribution of LENR electricity and heat. It appears ABB and other major partners , need more time in 2021 to divest stranded power equipment. They clear their decks for the biggest opportunity since steam engines. Further speculation: Northvolt may pivot from battery production/recycling to catch some of the E-cat action. Siemens is another global company cutting legacy power jobs in preparation for rapid energy transition.. https://www.dw.com/en/siemens-first-quarter-results-shine-amid-executive-handover/a-56436859

After billions spent on decades of research, ITER physicists never reached over unity energy. Competitive and practical fusion/fission plants can't be engineered, built and tested in time to save the Globe. Rather than saddling future generations with huge pandemic recovery costs, let's make better use of billions languished on fission, fusion and hydrogen research.

Early and wide implementation of LENR arrests melting of glaciers and polar ice caps, coastal flooding, pollution, hunger -and in turn diminishes threats of nuclear accident and/or war. LENR detractors depart as enlightened EU industrialists invest in an energy device that's affordable, ultra-clean -and works.

Germany doesn't go bankrupt with total shutdown of coal and nuclear plants. If its energy gamble and Sweden's timely initiatives win out, then their wealthy competitors follow, and without intervention, third-world children continue to perish from disease and hunger. Easing shortages of energy, food and clean water have highest priority. To that end, certification of industrial E-Cats are underway. Now it's up to churches, UN member nations, NGOs and the takeover generation to champion LENR quota for the needy.

The Takeaways: Albertans and Trudeau will not wake up until E-Cats hit the market. Like Norway, they have to accept reality. With forward-thinkers in Ottawa and Queen's Park, Brampton, Ontario could snare the North American hub of LENR prod'n/dist'n; especially if ABB is Leonardo's big partner. Canadians are interested in Saffire's Aureon's long video on its long video on its plasma reactor.

Flashbacks http://londont.blogspot.com/2015/12/and, http://londont.blogspot.com/2014/12/open-letter-to-iaea-director-general-to.html

Update #1

Lab results indicate efficency of perovskite
solar cells could doubel to 66%. https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Solar-Energy/Another-Major-Breakthrough-For-Solar-Energy.html

Update #2 https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a34316557/volvo-electric-vehicle-future-plans/ XC90 could be the last ICE Volvo. Watch for details on the XC90 all-electric in March 2021. Volvo and other manufacturers will ditch ICE vehicles with the arrival of on-board trickel charging -and E-Cat propulsion.

Update #3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwsiqASlJto&feature=emb_title A discussion on Exotic Physics secrecy with guest speaker Mr. X, diving into Exotic-Vacuum Objects (EVOs), Nature's self-organising plasmas and connection to energy generation by ‘The SAFIRE Project’.


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