Risky Cooling Tubes at Bruce & Pickering Nuclear

https://www.cleanairalliance.org/cnsc/https://www.cleanairalliance.org/more-stunning-revelations-about-the-safety-of-ontarios-nuclear-reactors/ "New information has emerged about dangerous conditions in reactor tubing at 2 of the Bruce nuclear reactors. This comes on the heels of Ontario Power Generation (OPG) failing to supply the CNSC with reliable data (scrape samples) to show that the Pickering nuclear station’s pressure tubes are still fit for service."

"The recent bad news from Bruce makes it critically important that the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) do much more to ensure the safety of all these stations, including Pickering. This has to go beyond sending polite letters to nuclear operators asking them to revisit their computer models. We believe that Pickering must be shut down immediately until there is ironclad proof that its tubing is still fit for service. The only way to get that proof is to take physical samples from the tubes while the plant is shut down."

Hello Southern Ontario Voters 

  Canadians and Michiganders at large may not pay much attention, but Southern Ontario voters down-wind of the ageing Bruce and Pickering radioactive electricity generators must make editors and politicians aware that the nuclear issue is top priority. The Feds and Provinces must deal with unsafe nuclear reactors, and push for the emerging real clean non-radioactive plasma alternative. Together, churches, service clubs, industry organizations, farmer associations as well as NGO voices can drown out those desperate but well-funded nuclear apologists. 

 Decades ago Austrians voted by plebisite to cancel construction of their first and only commercial nuclear reactor. Germany now sets a sane example by closing the last of its nuclear fleet. We can do much the same in North America by spreading news of emerging non-radioactive distributed electricity generation.. 

Whereas failing cooling tubes trigger meltdown, most of the world's nuclear reactors have met (or are about to meet) retirement because of a type of concrete decay called alkali-silica reaction. With such double-punch deteoration, extending opersting lifetimes of bridges and nuclear plants is crazy -if not criminal. Politicians sleep, while local media begin to arouse advertisers and readers. . 

-   Dear readers, with blog and media traction improving, please consider:

  1. Prompting influentials in your network to monitor and critique the performance of elected.

2. Writing your Mayor, your MP and MPP; let them know how you will be voting on the critical nuclear energy issue.

3. Realizing our children and grandchildren will blame us if nuclear plant meltdown devistates Southern Ontario.


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