Dec 9th, 2021 "The Big Reveal" of the New Fire

On Dec 9th, Leonardo's presentation will be streamed at 9:00 am Miami time from (Frank Acland's) site; curious consumers, editors, elected and investors can check out plasma electricity and lighting products -while keeping an eye on movement in crude prices.

Short term oil prices are always volatile. Still, nuclear and fossil-fueled generation of electricity have recently produced a stream of stranded assets due mainly to cost competition of renewables. Europe and the US are already closing coal plants. The pandemic is just one cause; drilling, pipeline and nuclear accidents are contributors as well as production manipulations by major energy nations. Industries and consumers as well as poor nations are negatively impacted.

Big media tend to put a spin on events favourable to their big energy advertisers, while providing no news coverage of promising pollution-free and radiation-free alternatives being readied for market by Aurion Energy, Brilliant Light & Power and Leonardo Corporation.

Germany is in the process of closing its remaining nuclear plants; North American and French voters should be putting pressure on their federal and local politicians to do the same. Germany shows the short-fall in electricity created by closure of coal and nuclear plants is soon bridged by solar/wind/SkLep. Problems with renewable intermittency, limited EV range and deployment of recharging stations are solved by capitalizing on the latest E-Cat developments. Indeed, affordable, compact and distributed electricity generation is about to help nations meet their Co2 reduction committments. Total reliance on the grid and nuclear/solar/wind soon fades.

The lone wolf's presentation was pathetically short and not at all revealing.

Absorb what you have just read. Pause. Apply critical thinking. And, scroll down to scan recent posts. If you believe public apathy and disapointment reign, then go viral with your convictions; reach out to politicians and to influentials in your network; else, Canadians take major hits in jobs and quality of life.

PS 1

The doomsday clock (11:59) tolls the limits of fossil fuels, nuclear -and greed & secrecy*.

PS 2

"Ontario is one of the few places in the world that has given up on green energy in favour of higher-cost and higher-risk nuclear projects.The Ford government seems to have completely forgotten its promise to reduce electricity rates by 12% for the province’s households and businesses."

"Ontario Power Generation (OPG) publicly announced at an event this morning that it has selected US-based GE Hitachi to build a new $3 billion reactor at the Darlington Nuclear Station in Canada’s largest urban area."

PS 3

Andrea Rossi is a brilliant inventor. But, like Nicola Tesla, he falters because of lack of experience in marketing & mass production.


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