December 2021 - Report by ARPA-E on LENR Status

ARPA -E, or Advanced Research Projects Agency –Energy: A US government agency tasked with promoting and funding R & D of advanced energy technologies.

LENR provides electricity and heat, can power vehicles with unlimited range and solves over-heated climate. It's clean, compact and simple, but impossible according to a rejected 1989 scientific claim. By 2021 prospects tended to be evenly divided amongst hostile, indifferent and convinced. In 2022, at the expense of indifferent, the convinced make significant gains. Indeed,.in the unfolding new energy era, all countries and all sectors are about to be impacted by this revolutionary energy technology.

Step back from daily routines, and with an open mind, digest the ARPA -E report, a belated US government endorsement of promotion, research and development of advanced energy generation & distribution:

Experimental Status of LENR

David J. Nagel George Washington University NUCAT Energy LLC LENRIA Corporation ARPA-E Workshop on Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions October 2021

"Experimental Results Suggest Practical Promise:

Getting MeV by using eV enables high energy gains, and high energy gains portend low-cost power. Experiments have shown that LENR have other promising features: High power densities. Lack of dangerous radiation. Little radioactive waste. No greenhouse gas emission.

High Energy Gains. Sustained (“Burning”) Reactions. Production of Heat and Generation of Electricity. Opportunities for Optimization. Potentially Safe Operation. Fail Safe Operation seems Possible. Likely Radiation Safety. No Input Radioactive Materials. Adequately Safe Input. Chemicals Possibly Beneficial. Waste Negligible. Radioactive Waste No Chemically Dangerous Waste. No Greenhouse Gas. Emission Less. Environmental Degradation Possible. Silent Operation. High Energy Density. Lightweight Systems. Portable Energy. Systems Scalability (Diverse Power Levels). User Friendly (like HVAC Systems). Adequately Low Capital Cost. Low Operational Cost. Easy Operation and Refueling. Long Times Between Refueling. Long Operational Lifetime. Abundant Hydrogen Fuel. Abundant Nickel or Other Fuels. Low Cost Power: 5 cents.…$100+. Distributed LENR Generators. Relief for the Power Grid. Fewer Large Power Stations. Easy Disposal of LENR Generators. Rapid Adoption Once on the Market. Many Potential Applications. Proliferation of Electricity. Lifestyle Improvements. Better Connectivity and Education. Production of Clean Water. Historical Health Improvements."

Go to link for full glossy report.

And, from a year-end report: "With less nuclear, insufficient natural gas pipelines, and no LNG available to save the day, New England is one cold snap away from a substantial disaster."

Why have mainline press, business magazines and TV continued to ignore reporting on LENR even after the ARPA-E release? Look no further than pressure from their big energy advertisers and similar, but direct pressure on politicians via election contributions. Aren't silent NGOs, sleepy voters and local editors also complicit?? /b>

Informed Canadians should be alarmed that our federal/provincial governments have not been active in promoting affordable non-nuclear energy research. Like Asia, the EU, and the USA we have to take steps to ensure new jobs in a disrupted economy. With government support, Chambers of Commerce and universities should be beating the drums. One brite spot is


I hope readers take action. In any case, check out pre-order of Leonoardo's E-cat electricity generator at: Big industry and governmenta could buy up early years of production because of energy savings; cement, smelting, community heating, hospitals, libaries, and Universities -thus keeping E-Cats out of residential refits for years. By 2021 the population seemed to be divided amongst hostile, indifferent and convinced.

In 2022, at the expense of the indifferent, the convinced will make significant gains in the unfolding new energy era. 

A happy, healthy and productive 2022 to all.


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