Grassroots Action for Affordable, Real Clean and Reliable Electricity

Rural municipalities, and even farms will soon be able to provide electricity for subcribers. In any case, villages, towns and small cities will have to take the initiative and investigate application of the industrial-sized Canadian Safire plasma reactor now undergoing market prototyping in Barrie, Ontario.
It seems bizarre that the world’s media are oblivious to development of clean and limitless energy production by the small E-Cat reactor and the industrial-sized Safire reactor; especially since Rossi's paper on Researchgate is the most widely read scientific paper. While promoting refurbishmentb of risky fission reactors and supporting the mega ITER Fusion research reactor, major nations remain silent about the engineering of affordable, compact and safe energy production.
Legacy oil and legacy nuclear have overpowering influence at the World Economic Forum and at Provincial and State capitols. Unfortunately, voters and elected are blind-sided; so much for democracy in action.
On December 8, 2022, Leonardo Corporation reported that they were close to eliminating GRID connection requirement for their small E-Cat reactors, hence the prospect of mobile unlimited range for next generation electric cars, trucks, planes and ships. In the absence of big media coverage, let's vacate our sideline seats and prod elected in towns and cities to help right a badly tilting energy boat. Still, broad government action must reflect the short time available to avoid runaway global temperatures.
Indeed, Mayors, County Wardens, regional MPPs and Chambers of Commerce should ensure that energy platforms going forward are affordable, competitive, pollution and radiation-free; i.e. appropriate for world market, climatic and stressful economic times ahead. /b>
Provincial dictates on expensive gas hookups and refurbishment of risky nuclear, temporarily secures survival of polluting and radioactive fuels, but certainly are not part of an enlightened energy transition. Also, intermittent wind and solar units have to make way for 24/7 heat pumps, in-river turbines, mini-grids -and affordable technologies like compact radiation-free Plasma reactors.
Energy bills and taxes will continue to escalate unless leaderships in provincial capitals and urban and rural jurisdictions do some serious soul searching. Ditto for teachers, graduates, voters, chambers of commerce members and NGOs. With local generation of electricity (by households and industries) plus mini-grids, the goal is elimination of centralized electricity generation and its high distribution costs.
Not only are fossil fuels and nuclear unaffordable, but the distribution grid itself has become old and fragile. Arnatives to more pipelines and modular radioactive nuclear plants are now in prototyping stage.
1. Remember, only about 15% of total electricity bills relate to actual electricity provided -the balance covers grid delivery, maintenance and profit. 2. Since zero point energy is geographically abundant, local generation of electricity is the way to go for both poor and wealihy nations; Bishops, the Club of Rome, the Pope and the United Nations should take note.
Europe looks forward to generating heat and electricity regionally if not locally. Whether by district heating in towns and cities, by river-run turbines in valleys or plasma generators for farms, industries and rural/uban communities, the transition to affordable, real clean energy generated locally is underway -at least in some countries. The legacy of laggards is disorder and wrecked economies.
Think mini-grids and local generation of clean electricity. Give power back to consumers including farmers, rural muinicipalities and industrialists. Will a modern day Sir Adam Beck step forward?
The catalyst for needed change does not reside with advertising-compromized news media nor with federal/provincial politicians dependent on big energy lobbyists. It depends on voter success in preserving our jobs and healthy lifestyles.
It seems bizarre that the world’s media are oblivious to development of clean and limitless energy production by the small E-Cat reactor and the industrial-sized Safire reactor; especially since Rossi's paper on Researchgate is the most widely read scientific paper. While promoting refurbishmentb of risky fission reactors and supporting the mega ITER Fusion research reactor, major nations remain silent about the engineering of affordable, compact and safe energy production. Legacy oil and legacy nuclear have overpowering influence at the World Economic Forum and at Provincial and State capitols. Unfortunately, voters and elected are blind-sided. So much for Democracy in Action.!  To all, a Holy Christmas and enlightened and bountiful years ahead.
PS 1
Stay tuned for commercialization developments being pushed by the EU energy crisis.
PS 2 “The government and the IESO are taking a prudent approach by procuring a diverse portfolio of non-emitting resources, with limited natural gas to ensure system reliability over the short-term.”
OCC leadership apppears to endorse the government's short term plan, but avoids taking a stance on the questionable long term plan; regional chamber members might be alarmed!


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