

To whom it should concern: Today, politicians in metropolitan areas gamble with the lives of millions of constituents by promoting refurbishment of aged nuclear reactors. Indeed, we Southern Ontarians and Michiganders live in peril of the domino effects of nuclear plant accidents. Bruce Power claimed clean energy generation while violating the terms of its operating licence by ignoring deteriorating pressure tubes in two different reactors. Unreported News in 2022: LENR Momtgomry Childs of Toronto/Barrie runs the Safire Project: and These sites contain info on the Safire industrial-size plasma reactor now being engineered. PHASE III and MANUFACTURING PARTNER CONTRACTS DISTRIBUTION PARTNER CONTRACTS MARKETING – FILMS, ARTICLES, PAPERS MILESTONES TO ACHIEV...

Grassroots Action for Affordable, Real Clean and Reliable Electricity

Rural municipalities, and even farms will soon be able to provide electricity for subcribers. In any case, villages, towns and small cities will have to take the initiative and investigate application of the industrial-sized Canadian Safire plasma reactor now undergoing market prototyping in Barrie, Ontario. It seems bizarre that the world’s media are oblivious to development of clean and limitless energy production by the small E-Cat reactor and the industrial-sized Safire reactor; especially since Rossi's paper on Researchgate is the most widely read scientific paper. While promoting refurbishmentb of risky fission reactors and supporting the mega ITER Fusion research reactor, major nations remain silent about the engineering of affordable, compact and safe energy production. Legacy oil and legacy nuclear have overpowering influence at the World Economic Forum and at Provincial and State capitols. Unfortunately, voters and elected are blind-sided; so much for democracy in a...

Local Electricity Distributors Become Generators?

Nine years ago the UN and the World Bank planned to mobilize financing for Sustainable Energy for All. While consumers in the broad Great Lakes region squirm over the prospect of a porous limestone depository for nuclear waste along the shore of Lake Huron, some recent readinga prompted the above caption. The story picks up steam in the European Union. Indeed, Germany will likely be the initial market for the 24/7 products of Leonardo Corporation and Of course, solar/wind systems also provide localized clean energy generation, distribution and ownership. All this transpires while big food processors and manufacturers move south because of Ontario's poor competitive environment, e.g, Heinz and Volvo. The survivors are now reeling in the face of the 30% rate increase on nuclear generated electricity requested by Ontario Power Generation. Meanwhile, state-side, nuclear plants are shutting down and coal-fired plants are being converted to shale gas. And, big r...

ALERT -Doomsday Clock now at 11:59.5

As long as the United Nation's nonproliferation treaty deals only with weapons, and the UN tolerates proliferation of uranium fueled energy plants, rogue nations will entertain clandestine efforts to enter the nuclear club; especially with Russian action to use nuclear missiles against a neighbour and North Korea threatens to annihilate South Korea, while Western nations jointly declare "nuclear energy"green" -and the only way forward./b> The Director General of World Nuclear Association stated: “The European Parliament’s positive vote sends a clear endorsement of nuclear energy. It listened to the science and recognised that investment in nuclear energy will help the EU reach net-zero by 2050." International parliments ignore the fact that over 400 risky nuclear plants are operating well beyond their designed lifetimes. And they ignore the devastatiion wrought at Chernobyl, Fukushima, Kyshtym, Three Mile Island, Windscale plus Bikini Atoll, Hiroshima an...

Growth and Transportation in Sourh West Ontario

Explosive economic growth across the Greater Toronto Area plus the sudden spurt of new subdivisions in towns and villages, prompts revival of a proposal for a Southern Georgin Bay Freeway. Within a generation the motor replaced the horse. Soon the gasoline and diesel that fuels today's engines will be replaced. So, don't feel guilty about your present mobility; just be prepared to welcome clean electricity and non-polluting motive power -and support staking out a future trade corridor well north of Toronto, London and Woodstock. Back in the 1950's many communities north of the GTA lost their rail connections and high schools. County and small town employment suffered as did maintenance of transportation infrastructure; provincial downloading ensured neglect of rural bridge maintenance. Attempted highway incursions into the Green Belt have to be resisted. Ultimately, a new 400 series Freeway (together with new smart towns) have to be planned across the souther...

Open Letter to Canadian & German Politicians

On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 5:31 PM jd sweeney wrote: "Almost all of the country's heavy industry is reliant on natural gas, as are about half of German homes for their source of heating." Reopening nuclear power plants does not seem viable; ITER is a flop, but the Canadian startup, Aureon Energy, with its industrial sized prototype plasma (radiation-free) SAFIRE reactor might be able to ship mobile units in, say in 24 months -if a mini Marshall Plan gets underway. ...."German fracked gas would still not be available this winter — or even next." germanys-scholz-ukraine-war-calls-for-faster-energy-transition-live-updates/a-62375351 g-7Canadian & German politicians -with your comments. Best regards, _j i m...