Flashback & Nov 2019 Up-date

 It's the first quarter of a new century and rumour has it that a pair of bicycle mechanics are flying around in their motorized heavier than air machine. 

 A hundred years later, while a trade war wages and prospect of nuclear re-armarment appears, a trio of inventors try to market their respective versions of a LENR-type heating device that solves the industrial world's twin self-inflicted catastropic ills of atmospheric pollution and nuclear risks; and, supposedly enlightened voters and elected pay little attention. 

                      Excerpt from December 2018 post. (606 hits)
 "Early and wide use of LENR helps arrest rising temperatures, rising coastal waters, air pollution, hunger, over-population -and in turn diminishes the threat of nuclear accident and/or war."

  Yet many still celebrate New Years by dancing on Titanic's tilting deck. 

 And children cry, I'm hungry Mamma. How high is the water, Papa?

 Sober seasonal wishes to all, and to all a good hike!"  

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               2nd Decade Opens Amid Hope & Turmoil  

On November 13, 2019,  Rossi’s team got very excited about SSM (self-sustaining mode) test results. The goal of Leonardo Corporation pivots from industrial heat to self-powered LENR electricity producing reactors. Hence,  a revised business strategy might well involve electrical power from retrofitted legacy fossil and nuclear fueled power stations, to be fed directly into existing grids; thus little disruption of the existing distribution system.

 Except for farms and remote dwellings, no LENR home units may be needed. Big industries, large residential and university/hospital complexes and city district heating plants have the option of building stand-alone LENR energy plants.

Generally, homes, schools and swimming pools would be heated by low-cost grid-delivered LENR electricity. Gradually, LENR’s low cost and flexibility puts fossil fuels, nuclear and even solar/wind out of business; hydro would be the longest survivor.
Some speculations:
Northern countries addicted to fossil fuels & nuclear 
       - nuclear now costlier than solar/wind  -competiveness lost due to extraction, refining, pipeline costs plus high nuclear operating & decomissioning expenses. 

Other countries whose economies totally depend on Oil & Gas 
       -lowest-cost producers will prosper for a few more decades.

United States
       - volitile energy & trade policies plus federal election could trigger recession, some utilities falter due to on-site heat/electricity generation & mini-grids. 

European Union
       - will grasp LENR to offset 10-yr phase-out of coal-fired energy.

United Kingdom
       - economy crippled by Brexit

Asia & Africa
       - will counter lag in electricity with solar and LENR

United Nations
        - inability to control nuclear proliferation will strain membership.

       - costal cites defenceless, S. American forest fires, general drought disrupt agriculture & food

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