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Emerging from Energy and Pandemic Transformations

  For CEOs, politicians and voters, it’s not a matter of how LENR works, but rather early validation, a specific time frame, and the likely impacts on economies, jobs and transport. The E-Cat World Forum's always-open-thread is a great place for new readers to track LENR's march to market. Tune in Friday, July 31st for progress on the SKL reactor's high power density trials.      

  COVID-19 restrictions present a window for industrial nations to plan a leap-frog of both polluting and radioactive energy. Already diminished markets for expensive fossil and nuclear fuels is pushed by geothermal, hydrogen, solar, wind and soon by on-site LENR -all accelerated by a warming climate and the pandemic catalyst. A major transition of the electricity system is key to solving the climate change problem. LENR allows us to move quickly to further electrify our building, heating and transportation sectors which account for over 70% percent of total emissions. 

 There is a micro-grid in our future; by 2030 pooling of locally generated solar and LENR-type electricity will be common. Both the poor and employed will enjoy cheap electricity, while moguls write down billions in legacy energy assets. Indeed, centralized fossil and nuclear fueled electricity generating plants, along with the mega grids and utilities tied to them could suddenly be marinalized. Oil and gas giant, BP opts for diversification rather than contraction. 

 Universities and science journals were reluctant to report on LENR because physicist's careers were at stake. The big nail prepared for LENR's coffin was media's avoidance of reporting because of advertiser pressure by Big Auto, Big Oil and Big Nuclear. Meanwhile, Big Media extols the potential of ongoing fission/fusion research, while neglecting to inform the public of the arrival of affordable, safe and ultra-clean energy.  

   The promises of clean nuclear reactors just beyond an ever-receding horizon are neither realistic nor in time to fix adverse climate change.  And, as big petrol enters “peak oil” production, Canadian, Russian, Venezuelan and some mid-east leaders would bankrupt their economies with new underutilized pipelines and refineries. 

 Canada ignored LENR research for over 30 years, and now faces an alarmed  electorate. Big media and desperate lobbyists support a faulty energy infrastructure. Instead, let's spread news of an affordable, distributed and safe alternative. Indeed, a takeover generation of activists and politicians must save the environment, humanity -and help create new jobs. Just maybe, after the next elections Canada, Mexico and the USA will follow the European initiative (and belatedly) launch a LENR research and development consortium. Go for it big corporations and governments.
  Big Media's long silence on potential benefits of LENR, begs for bloggers, social media and NGO's to ask it to pivot. In any case, savvy investors and voter unrest are about to redefine the energy paradigm. The day of reckoning is at hand. Easing of COVID-19 restrictions is the defining moment in proceeding with E-Cat verification -and ramping up robotic manufacturing in Asia, North America and Europe. 

  A return to polluted conditions is unacceptable to people now enjoying fresh air. With broad acceptance of affordable clean non-polluting and non-radioactive energy devices, we'll soon welcome automotive, energy, and health transformations. Those with foresight and flexibility to abandon yesterday's strategies in favor of winning ones will be the new leaders. Go get ‘em Montgomery Childs*, Randell Mills, Elon Musk and Andrea Rossi.

 The media has failed in its duty to inform. To save the day, local activists must join in finding ways to bring an awareness of the benign LENR solution to businesses, municipalities, unions, universities -and voters. 

              ------------------------------- 0-0 -----------------------------

  A five-year old alert from Sweden's Sifferkoll:
"From muscle power of humans or horses to burning fossil fuels … and now … LENR   A paradigm shift. Nothing less."
 Worry if you've relied on NYT and WSJ to analyze and inform.

 Some takeaways from Sifferkoll's 2015 item:
  "Trading stocks against oil will continue to be a winner. Interest rates will rise as a result of the emerging LENR tech boom." 
 "When the LENR boom gets up to speed the BigBanks will be able to both print loads of money AND raise interests."
 "Removes domestic expensive oil (shale, oil sands, deep water) in a controlled manner."
 "Everything that requires energy for production will be a lot cheaper including food, transport, natural resources, etc."

Current energy market analysis:

Update #1  
Update #2 and

Update #3

Update #4
New LENR plasma player?

Leonardo Status April 16 2020 

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