E-Cat SSM Verification & Demo

  All is quiet on the Stockholm front pending results of the imminent SKL verification. Goodbye fossil and fission fuels even though their withdrawal causes disruptions in energy and financial markets. Industrialized nations will soon crowd LENR line-ups in order to meet Paris Co2 commitments -and keep their economies competitive.

 While progressive nations engage in LENR r & d, Canada bets on dirty oil and risky nuclear energy.  Canadian policies won’t protect jobs and living standards as  competitors shift from centralized energy generation to cheap distributed pollution and radioactive-free heat and electricity production. Still, with  the help of mainline press old physicists try to convince the media, politicians and students that there is no cheap clean alternative to 1970's radioactive energy.

 Friday's July 31st start of the Stockholm E-Cat test is related to high power density. Permanent SSM (self sustain mode) is the critical operational improvement that suddenly simplifies E-Cat verification by eliminating need for outside electricity in start up and sustained running. On his blog, Andrea Rossi stated: "...for now you are just taking my word ....The new Ecat SKL is the masterpiece of my life. It works in closed loop and generates the electric energy to fuel itself, plus generates 4 kWh/h of electric energy. I ... The volume of the Ecat reactor is in total 100 cubic cm, while the whole is contained in a heat dissipator box whose dimensions are cm 20 x 20 x 20 ...A big step forward has been done. We should possibly have an electric engine with infinite autonomy, it seems.  A.R."

 Outside of North America, green energy is stimulated to counter adverse climate change. While some governments, the UN and the World Economic Forum advocate a vast energy reset, LENR is not included in their solution. Such solidarity withers with a positive E-cat verification. Stocks of champagne and roast crow run low while skeptics and trolls go silent.
Choose your poison, but consider going viral with this message.   

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 EU consortium jumps into LENR r & d just as the E-cat enters last mile to market.
"...new, clean, safe, compact and very efficient energy source based
on Hydrogen-Metal and plasma systems, which could be a breakthrough
for both private use as well as for industrial applications  ...could be employed both as a small mobile system or as a stand-alone heat and electricity generator."



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